The Perfect Society: Daiva Varnashrama by Dayananda Dasa is a groundbreaking exploration of how the ISKCON Society can advance the sankirtana movement through the practical implementation of varnashrama, as envisioned by Śrīla Prabhupāda. This meticulously researched and deeply thoughtful book offers clarity and actionable insights into creating a daiva varnashrama society—a harmonious and spiritually centered social structure.
Drawing from Śrīla Prabhupāda’s teachings, Dayananda Dasa demystifies the principles of varnashrama and provides practical solutions for its application in modern contexts. The book’s visionary approach is both a call to action and a roadmap for devotees seeking to align their lives with timeless Vedic wisdom.
Described as “a work of genius,” The Perfect Society is essential for anyone in ISKCON or beyond who aspires to live in a community that embodies spiritual and social perfection. It is not only a guide for the present but a blueprint for the future of the sankirtana movement.
196 Pages, Paperback
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