From Gaurapad Dasa:
"I have a master's degree in Sanskrit literature (Tirupati, India). I also have an associate degree in science (Quebec) and am a certified chef (BC, Canada). I am Canadian and lived in India for twelve years. I have written fourteen books on Vedanta and on Sahitya, all of which have been published, including “Versified History of Sanskrit Poetics: The Soul is Rasa” (2017) (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass) (790 pages, including 360 verses translated). Moreover, I have tackled the big problems of Vedanta, such as "Does Brahman or Parameshvara have Shakti?", "Is the soul real or unreal?", "Is Brahman nirvisesa or savisesa?", "Is seeing the world really like seeing a snake in the place of a rope?" and "Who wrote Vedic sastra?". I invite all university scholars to get out of their mental bubble and to understand my Unified Theory of Vedanta, where I harmonize Vivarta-vada and Parinama-vada. On the side of Sahitya, I have shed light on Jagannatha's statement "cid eva rasah" and have shown that Mammata's explanation of the four theories of Rasa is misleading, given that the last two (Nayaka's Bhukti-vada and Abhinava-gupta's Abhivyakti-vada) do not directly relate to the meaning of Rasa (aesthetic delight) in Bharata Muni's Rasa-sutra, but to the meaning of Rasa as cit-prakasha. I have summarized the results of my twelve-year research in India in my article "Rasa: The Theory of Everything"