Sale price₹ 3,750.00


 The ecstatic kirtans by His Grace Aindra PrabhuåÊare now available on a 16 GB USB, in MP3 Audio format. It contains 200 hours of continuous bliss flowing through Aindra Prabhu, straight from Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir in Sri Dham Vrindavan. The mesmerizingly captivating and soothingly meditative Kirtans are guaranteed to flood the listener with pure love and devotion for the Holy name and Lord Krishna, arousing the dormant love within the heart for the Lord, merely through ones ears, just by hearing.

Aindra Prabhu is an iconic Kirtaniya and an exemplary son of Srila Prabhupada, who did not only inspired the youth to love the Holy name but made the subtle process of chanting much more surreal and blissful.åÊ

This is one of the finest treats for any devotee, spiritualist or a music lover, since this USB guarantees one peace, love and happiness.

Without wasting a single moment, get one for yourself today!

Format: Paperback
Weight: 300 gm.

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