Audiobooks by Dravida Das Special Offer

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Sale price₹ 3,375.00 Regular price₹ 4,575.00


For your transcendental listening pleasure, we bring to you Nectarian Audiobooks by Dravida das Special Collections Offer. Dravida das, the BBT editor, is famous for his oratorial skills and singing sanskrit works of the acaryas. One never of listening to his narrations. Dravida das has narrated dozens of esoteric works of the Goswamis, and we take great pleasure in bringing some of these recordings to you on one platform. Here are the lists of whats in this offer:

  1. Sri Caitanya Candramrta of Srila Kavikarnapura

  2. Sri Brahma Samhita with the translations of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

  3. Sri Krishna Karnamrta by Srila Bilvamangal Thakura

  4. Sri Siksastakam of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

  5. Upadesamrta by Srila Rupa Goswami

  6. Isopanisad with the translations of Srila Prabhupada

  7. Lord Krishna's Complete Vrindavan Lilla

  8. Lord Krishna's Complete Dwaraka Lila

  9. Sri Caitanya Lila

  10. The Gopis Attracted by Krishna's Flute

  11. Shri Krishna Lila Summary

  12. Mukunda Mala Stotra

  13. Sri Narayana Kavacha

  14. Nectar Poems

  15. Sri Nrsimha Kavacha

  16. Vraja Vilasa Stava

  17. Complete Bhagavad Gita As It Is with the translations and purports by Srila Prabhupada

Over 100 hours of Audio Narrations.


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