The Key to Great Leadership by Peter Burwash

Sale price₹ 250.00



Rediscovering the Principles of Outstanding Leadership

The President of the United States, the Chief Executive of a Fortune 500 company, and the mother of an eight year old Cub Scout are each in a position of leadership. But how do you develop those special qualities that bring success as a leader?

To answer this important question, Peter Burwash interviewed thousands of workers and managers in the world’s best companies. The Key contains the revealing and inspiring results of his research in two sections: The 12 Universal Principles of Great Service Companies and The 25 Universal Qualities of Great Leaders.

The Key shows clearly and simply how to achieve outstanding service and effective leadership in both your professional and personal life.


“There has never been a better time to stress the link between leadership and services. We have entered a new economy, increasingly dominated by service. The service sector now provides almost four-fifths of all jobs in the U.S., making it our largest job provider, our major producer of wealth and our hope for continued economic growth. But unless we can raise the average service worker’s output and income, our overall standard of living will inevitably decline, the gap between rich and poor will widen and the social fabric will unravel.”

Isadore Sharp,

Founder and Chairman, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

4.75” x 6.5”, 236 pages

Softbound, ISBN# 978-09779785-0-2

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